Hola a todos!
Quería comunicaros algo, y es que, a pesar de que dije que usaría este blog para la aventura en Tokyo, decidí no hacerlo así, este es un blog gyaru y quiero dejarlo para tal fin, sobretodo ahora que estaré viviendo allí y tendré un montón de cosas gyaru que postear. Así pues, he creado un nuevo blog, más... profesional y simple, para la aventura nipona en si, os dejo el link para que podáis leerlo, y si sois tan amables de seguirlo... esta en español eso si!
Me voy esta noche, así que deseadme suerte! <3
Cuenta atrás: 10 días / Countdown: 10 days.
Solo quedan 10 días. Ha empezado la verdadera cuenta atrás y mis nervios van en aumento: Me voy a vivir a Japón un año. ¿Es posible que aún me cueste crees que es verdad?
Only 10 days left. The real countdown has started and I'm a lot more nervous. I'll be going to live in Japan for a year. Is it possible that still I can't believe it's true?
Al menos están prácticamente todos los preparativos listos, solo me queda hacer la maleta y un par de detalles más. Y hablando de eso... Por fin tengo la maleta nueva. Maleta, maleta de mano para el avión y por si la otra se pierde (espero que no D:), y neceser nuevo también. Todo rosa (*A*)
At leats, almost everything is ready, I only have to start packing and a few more details. And speaking of that... I finally have my new suitcasse! Suitcasse, hand suitcasse for the plane in case the other gets lost (I hope that won't hapen D:) and dressing case. Everything pink (*A*)
Me enamoré de esa maleta en cuanto la vi, y lo mismo me pasó con el neceser. La maleta de mano la cogí para que fuese a juego~
I fell in love with that suitcasse at first sight, and the same happened with the dressing case. I chose the hand suitcasse so it matched well with the other~
Y en realidad no sé qué mas decir... Tengo un peto vaquero nuevo, que me lo regaló anoche la novia de mi padre. Me encanta. Es precioso, cómodo y veraniego~
And I really don't know what more to say... I have a new cowboy peto, it was a pressent yesterday night of my dad's girlfriend. I love it. Is so cute, comfortable and summery~
Oh! Y esta mañana, hace un rato en realidad xD me ha llegado la carta del señor Nishizuka. No le he sacado foto, ya lo haré luego, pero tenía su pequeño regalo: Una tarjeta para hacer llamadas con crédito aún y una tarjeta recargable de metro y tren, mis primeras tarjetas japonesas! Es otra cosa más que agradecerle a ese hombre gracias al cual ha cambiado tanto mi vida, nunca podré agradecerselo lo suficiente, pero gracias, señor Nishizuka!
Oh! And this morning, well, awhile before xD I received mister Nishizuka's letter. I didn't took a photo, I'll do it later, but it cointained his little present: A phone card with still some credit so I can make calls there, and a rechargeable card for metro and train, my firsts japanese cards! Is another thing to thank to that man that has changed so much my life, I could never thank him enough, but still, thanks, mister Nishizuka!
Y ahora es hora de ir a comer, haré un pequeño post uno de estos días con los últimos preparativos y todo listo, y después ya... cuando esté allí y tenga internet, o en el aeropuerto de Frankfurt si hay conexión ya que tengo 2 horas libres, relatando mis nervios del viaje xD See you~!
So now it's time to have lunch, I'll make a little post one of this days with the last preparations and everything ready, and then... when I'm there and I have internet, or in Frankfurt's airport if I can catch internet conection since I have 2 free hours, talking about my nerves on the trip xD See you~!
Only 10 days left. The real countdown has started and I'm a lot more nervous. I'll be going to live in Japan for a year. Is it possible that still I can't believe it's true?
Al menos están prácticamente todos los preparativos listos, solo me queda hacer la maleta y un par de detalles más. Y hablando de eso... Por fin tengo la maleta nueva. Maleta, maleta de mano para el avión y por si la otra se pierde (espero que no D:), y neceser nuevo también. Todo rosa (*A*)
At leats, almost everything is ready, I only have to start packing and a few more details. And speaking of that... I finally have my new suitcasse! Suitcasse, hand suitcasse for the plane in case the other gets lost (I hope that won't hapen D:) and dressing case. Everything pink (*A*)
Me enamoré de esa maleta en cuanto la vi, y lo mismo me pasó con el neceser. La maleta de mano la cogí para que fuese a juego~
I fell in love with that suitcasse at first sight, and the same happened with the dressing case. I chose the hand suitcasse so it matched well with the other~
Y en realidad no sé qué mas decir... Tengo un peto vaquero nuevo, que me lo regaló anoche la novia de mi padre. Me encanta. Es precioso, cómodo y veraniego~
And I really don't know what more to say... I have a new cowboy peto, it was a pressent yesterday night of my dad's girlfriend. I love it. Is so cute, comfortable and summery~
Oh! Y esta mañana, hace un rato en realidad xD me ha llegado la carta del señor Nishizuka. No le he sacado foto, ya lo haré luego, pero tenía su pequeño regalo: Una tarjeta para hacer llamadas con crédito aún y una tarjeta recargable de metro y tren, mis primeras tarjetas japonesas! Es otra cosa más que agradecerle a ese hombre gracias al cual ha cambiado tanto mi vida, nunca podré agradecerselo lo suficiente, pero gracias, señor Nishizuka!
Oh! And this morning, well, awhile before xD I received mister Nishizuka's letter. I didn't took a photo, I'll do it later, but it cointained his little present: A phone card with still some credit so I can make calls there, and a rechargeable card for metro and train, my firsts japanese cards! Is another thing to thank to that man that has changed so much my life, I could never thank him enough, but still, thanks, mister Nishizuka!
Y ahora es hora de ir a comer, haré un pequeño post uno de estos días con los últimos preparativos y todo listo, y después ya... cuando esté allí y tenga internet, o en el aeropuerto de Frankfurt si hay conexión ya que tengo 2 horas libres, relatando mis nervios del viaje xD See you~!
So now it's time to have lunch, I'll make a little post one of this days with the last preparations and everything ready, and then... when I'm there and I have internet, or in Frankfurt's airport if I can catch internet conection since I have 2 free hours, talking about my nerves on the trip xD See you~!
Receta: Crema de calabacín (Receipe: Zucchini cream)
Hoy me ha tocado hacer la comida, así que he optado por uno de mis platos preferidos; crema de calabacín. Es sano y está riquísimo, ¿qué mas se puede pedir?
I had to make lunch today, so I chose one of my favorite plates; Zucchini cream. It's a health plate and it's delicious! Hat more could you want?
Así que aquí está la receta de este fantástico plato!
So ok, here you have the receipe for this fantastic plate!
1º - Lavarse las manos y ponerse el delantal, paso muy importante!
Wash your hands and put on the apron, very important step!
2º - Pon agua con sal a hervir en una olla. No mucha ya que los calabacines sueltan mucha agua después.
Put some water with salt to boil in a pot.Don't put to much since the zucchini drop a lot of water later.
3º - Pela los calabacines y las patatas y partelos en pedazos.
Peel the zucchini and the potatoes and cut into pieces.
4º - Ponlos en el agua hirviendo hasta que estén tiernos.
Put them into the boiling water until they become cooked.
5º - Retira la olla del fuego y escurre parte del agua (al gusto) para que la crema no quede muy líquida.
Remove the pot from the heat and quit some water (as much as you want) so the cream won't be very liquid.
6º - Trituralo todo con una batidora.
Triturate it with a mixer.
7º - Añade Quesitos el Caserío, tantos como a ti te guste, yo siempre uso 4. También puedes usar nata para cocinar en su lugar.
Add some wedges of tender cheese, as much as you want, I always use 4. You can use some cooking cream instead if you prefer.
8º - Finalmente, añade una pizca de nuez moscada y una pizca de pimienta negra.
Finaly add a pinch of nutmehg and a pinch of black pepper.
9º - Si quieres algo más de sabor, derrite media pastilla de doble caldo en medio vaso de agua caliente y añadelo. Mezcla todo con la batidora, y listo!
If you want a little more of taste, melt a half of a tablet of 'double soup' in a glass with a half of hot watter and add it to the cream. Mix everything with the mixer and it's done!
El comienzo.
(Hi guys! I have to say that I'll be writing in Spanish from now on. The reason? In a month I'll be going to Japan, where I'll be living and working for a year, so my family and friends want a place were they can read about how am I doing there, and I also want a place where I can post about my daily life there. As I said some time ago, I wanted to make this blog a more personal one and not just a gyaru-things one, that's another reason why I'll be doing this. I'll try to write in a clear Spanish so you can translate it easy to english or any other language with translators, 'kay? Thank you for still reading and hope you still enjoy my posts!)
Todo comenzó el Miércoles 22 de Junio cuando Yuki-chan me pasó una oferta para trabajar en Japón que había encontrado. La oferta era genial:
☆ Era un trabajo para españoles que quisieran vivir en Japón.
☆ Al ser el intermediario entre la empresa japonesa y España una agencia de viajes, ellos te daban el billete de avión de ida y de vuelta.
☆ Tenías alojamiento.
☆ Tenías comidas.
☆ Dos días libres en semana.
☆ Un mes para aprender el trabajo.
☆ La oferta duraba todo un año.
☆ El lugar de trabajo era nada más y nada menos que en Ginza.
☆ Lo único a lo que se le podría poner pegar era el sueldo, que era el sueldo mínimo, pero no teniendo que pagar el piso ni la comida, ¿qué más se puede pedir?
Así que me decidí a enviar el CV. Lo hice, pero sin más lo dejé ahí, ni me preocupé de si podría ser elegida porque sabía que era algo muy difícil dado que solo había 4 vacantes y seguramente mucha gente se presentaría, no era bueno hacerse ilusiones con algo tan complicado, además, el día 29 empezaban las fiestas en mi ciudad y andábamos pendientes de eso y también de la autoescuela, así que lo dejé correr. Sin embargo, unos días después, el Miércoles 29, justo cuando empezaban aquí las fiestas, me encontré una llamada perdida de un número que no conocía y un sms del mismo diciéndome que eran de la agencia de viajes que hacía de intermediaria y que los llamara. Cuando lo hice y me atendió el señor Nishizuka, que es quien llevaba el proyecto aquí, no podía estarme quieta en cuanto me dijo que quería hacerme una entrevista, iba de un lado para otro mientras lo escuchaba y temblaba terriblemente. Me dijo que fuese el Viernes día 1 a Madrid para la entrevista, y que me tenía que quitar los piercing, me duró el tembleque toda la mañana, y ya ligeramente emocionada estuve medio eufórica esos dos días, a pesar de que no pensaba que hubiese sido seleccionada, si no que eso era parte del proceso de selección aún, que habría más gente para las entrevistas y de entre esos, elegirían.
Así pues, el Viernes 1 de Julio bajé a Madrid acompañada de mi tía. Me dormí en el bus, y por ello iba ligeramente zombie después. Fuimos a comer al McDonalds de siempre y después estuve viendo a Pi durante largo rato, que me llevó casi de visita turística por Madrid~ Y finalmente, llegó la hora acordada para la entrevista. Estaba echa un manojo de nervios cuando entré por la puerta, aunque que el señor Nishizuka fuese tan agradable alivió bastante el ambiente. Me sorprendió que tuviese fichado absolutamente TODO sobre mi, sabía mi ameba, mi blog, mi cuenta de youtube... Y casi me caigo de la silla cuando me dijo que SI estaba seleccionada. Me estuvo explicando las condiciones del contrato y del trabajo y los detalles, y mi última pregunta fue si ya era seguro que yo iba a ir a Japón, y me dijo que si. Salí en una nube, flotando, con las lágrimas por las mejillas, llamando a todo el mundo para contárselo... y estuve celebrándolo toda la tarde y toda la noche cuando volví, esa noche, claro, fue la que mejor me lo pasé. Y sin embargo, al día siguiente me encontré con una mala noticia. El señor Nishizuka me llamó para decirme que también habían hecho selección de gente allí en Japón, y que tenían otra candidata, que no me hiciese muchas ilusiones porque podía salir cualquiera de las dos. Entonces me dio el bajón, había estado tan cerca... y ahora parecía que se desvanecía el sueño... Durante los siguientes días estuve de bajón, y no me despegué de hotmail esperando el mensaje que me dijese quién había sido seleccionada al final, aun que era como si me hubiesen dicho directamente que habían cogido a la otra, me sentó igual, a pesar de que muy dentro aun mantenía esperanzas. Y al final, esta misma tarde, llegó el esperado mail, y con respuesta positiva! Al final había sido seleccionada, ahí estaba mi sueño de nuevo!
Todavía me cuesta creérmelo, y no sé como voy a agradecerle al señor Nishizuka que haya intercedido tanto por mi, pero creo que en toda la vida no podré agradecérselo lo suficiente. Eso si, trabajaré MUY duro y con mi mayor esfuerzo para que el señor Nishizuka pueda sentirse orgulloso con su elección y no se arrepienta de haber intercedido tanto por mi.
Así que, ahora tengo muchísimas cosas que hacer. El vuelo es el 13 de Agosto para llegar allí el 14 y el 15 empezar con la preparación de la empresa, así que primero tengo que enovarme el DNI que me caduca este mes y eso lleva su tiempo, mañana mismo estoy a ello. También tengo que hacer el pasaporte y todo el papeleo, y además voy a intentar con ahínco sacarme el carnet de conducir con el que estaba antes de irme.
Así pues, iré actualizando con los avances, tanto de papeles como de etc etc~
Todo comenzó el Miércoles 22 de Junio cuando Yuki-chan me pasó una oferta para trabajar en Japón que había encontrado. La oferta era genial:
☆ Era un trabajo para españoles que quisieran vivir en Japón.
☆ Al ser el intermediario entre la empresa japonesa y España una agencia de viajes, ellos te daban el billete de avión de ida y de vuelta.
☆ Tenías alojamiento.
☆ Tenías comidas.
☆ Dos días libres en semana.
☆ Un mes para aprender el trabajo.
☆ La oferta duraba todo un año.
☆ El lugar de trabajo era nada más y nada menos que en Ginza.
☆ Lo único a lo que se le podría poner pegar era el sueldo, que era el sueldo mínimo, pero no teniendo que pagar el piso ni la comida, ¿qué más se puede pedir?
Así que me decidí a enviar el CV. Lo hice, pero sin más lo dejé ahí, ni me preocupé de si podría ser elegida porque sabía que era algo muy difícil dado que solo había 4 vacantes y seguramente mucha gente se presentaría, no era bueno hacerse ilusiones con algo tan complicado, además, el día 29 empezaban las fiestas en mi ciudad y andábamos pendientes de eso y también de la autoescuela, así que lo dejé correr. Sin embargo, unos días después, el Miércoles 29, justo cuando empezaban aquí las fiestas, me encontré una llamada perdida de un número que no conocía y un sms del mismo diciéndome que eran de la agencia de viajes que hacía de intermediaria y que los llamara. Cuando lo hice y me atendió el señor Nishizuka, que es quien llevaba el proyecto aquí, no podía estarme quieta en cuanto me dijo que quería hacerme una entrevista, iba de un lado para otro mientras lo escuchaba y temblaba terriblemente. Me dijo que fuese el Viernes día 1 a Madrid para la entrevista, y que me tenía que quitar los piercing, me duró el tembleque toda la mañana, y ya ligeramente emocionada estuve medio eufórica esos dos días, a pesar de que no pensaba que hubiese sido seleccionada, si no que eso era parte del proceso de selección aún, que habría más gente para las entrevistas y de entre esos, elegirían.
Así pues, el Viernes 1 de Julio bajé a Madrid acompañada de mi tía. Me dormí en el bus, y por ello iba ligeramente zombie después. Fuimos a comer al McDonalds de siempre y después estuve viendo a Pi durante largo rato, que me llevó casi de visita turística por Madrid~ Y finalmente, llegó la hora acordada para la entrevista. Estaba echa un manojo de nervios cuando entré por la puerta, aunque que el señor Nishizuka fuese tan agradable alivió bastante el ambiente. Me sorprendió que tuviese fichado absolutamente TODO sobre mi, sabía mi ameba, mi blog, mi cuenta de youtube... Y casi me caigo de la silla cuando me dijo que SI estaba seleccionada. Me estuvo explicando las condiciones del contrato y del trabajo y los detalles, y mi última pregunta fue si ya era seguro que yo iba a ir a Japón, y me dijo que si. Salí en una nube, flotando, con las lágrimas por las mejillas, llamando a todo el mundo para contárselo... y estuve celebrándolo toda la tarde y toda la noche cuando volví, esa noche, claro, fue la que mejor me lo pasé. Y sin embargo, al día siguiente me encontré con una mala noticia. El señor Nishizuka me llamó para decirme que también habían hecho selección de gente allí en Japón, y que tenían otra candidata, que no me hiciese muchas ilusiones porque podía salir cualquiera de las dos. Entonces me dio el bajón, había estado tan cerca... y ahora parecía que se desvanecía el sueño... Durante los siguientes días estuve de bajón, y no me despegué de hotmail esperando el mensaje que me dijese quién había sido seleccionada al final, aun que era como si me hubiesen dicho directamente que habían cogido a la otra, me sentó igual, a pesar de que muy dentro aun mantenía esperanzas. Y al final, esta misma tarde, llegó el esperado mail, y con respuesta positiva! Al final había sido seleccionada, ahí estaba mi sueño de nuevo!
Todavía me cuesta creérmelo, y no sé como voy a agradecerle al señor Nishizuka que haya intercedido tanto por mi, pero creo que en toda la vida no podré agradecérselo lo suficiente. Eso si, trabajaré MUY duro y con mi mayor esfuerzo para que el señor Nishizuka pueda sentirse orgulloso con su elección y no se arrepienta de haber intercedido tanto por mi.
Así que, ahora tengo muchísimas cosas que hacer. El vuelo es el 13 de Agosto para llegar allí el 14 y el 15 empezar con la preparación de la empresa, así que primero tengo que enovarme el DNI que me caduca este mes y eso lleva su tiempo, mañana mismo estoy a ello. También tengo que hacer el pasaporte y todo el papeleo, y además voy a intentar con ahínco sacarme el carnet de conducir con el que estaba antes de irme.
Así pues, iré actualizando con los avances, tanto de papeles como de etc etc~
New acquisitions~
Hey guys~ I'm happy to see that I have a new follower again, thank you so much for following my blog ^^!
Well, my trip was postponed. One of my friends became sick so we prefered postpoing the travel to the end of summer. It's a good time for going to the beach, time is not so hot and there are a lot of foreign tourist that travel in that time of the year ^^
So ok, this week, starting on Wednesday, it's the big celebration of my town, I have to do some post about that since I didn't post anything about 'Lavalenguas', 'La compra' and such, Maybe all do it all after the celebration days~
Well, apart from that, I don't have much time recently to update, I have a lot of things to do, and I'm going out a lot and such, but I went shopping yesterday with some friends, and I had bought something some days before too, so I thought in doing a post with my new acquisitions~ I know recently, in this summer, gyaru are wearing a lot some 'rock style' instead a more cute style, I wear it sometimes, and sometimes I use some 'Co&Lu' style too, but what I wear the most, regardless of now tendencies, it's cute style. Not really as Liz Lissa, but something more or less, so my new acquisitions are still in the same cute style. Let's beging~!
So, this is all, I think. Sorry guys for not posting much recently, but I really have no time =( I'll writte a long post about wht's left of my town's celebration soo =) See ya~ <3
Well, my trip was postponed. One of my friends became sick so we prefered postpoing the travel to the end of summer. It's a good time for going to the beach, time is not so hot and there are a lot of foreign tourist that travel in that time of the year ^^
So ok, this week, starting on Wednesday, it's the big celebration of my town, I have to do some post about that since I didn't post anything about 'Lavalenguas', 'La compra' and such, Maybe all do it all after the celebration days~
Well, apart from that, I don't have much time recently to update, I have a lot of things to do, and I'm going out a lot and such, but I went shopping yesterday with some friends, and I had bought something some days before too, so I thought in doing a post with my new acquisitions~ I know recently, in this summer, gyaru are wearing a lot some 'rock style' instead a more cute style, I wear it sometimes, and sometimes I use some 'Co&Lu' style too, but what I wear the most, regardless of now tendencies, it's cute style. Not really as Liz Lissa, but something more or less, so my new acquisitions are still in the same cute style. Let's beging~!
Some days ago I bought this cute picture hat, I bought it for our trip to the beach since in that zone sun it's harder than in my town. I really like this hat since it bends when you put it on and gives your face a really sweet look~ I thought it would be expensive when I saw it in the store, not so much really, prize was 6€ (8'5 $ more or less), and the shopgirl let me buy it for 3€ (4$). I was surprised she reduced me the price just because she wanted to. '3€' she said when I was gonna pay, and my face was like 'O_O It was 6... thanks!'. I think I'll use it to the parades of this week, since I don't wanna wear it for the rest of the parties or it can be stolen or became dirty and such~
Yesterday we went with our friend Lar to buy a t-shirt she wanted for this celebration days, and I saw this CUTE skirt. I fell in love with it instantly, it was also so cheap! I payed for it 8€ (14$) and it's super lovely! You know, this kind of shirts, with that kind of belt, can be weared in a lot of ways, so I was really happy by finding it in my town since I've been thinking in buying something alike through the inet~
And finally, while walking through the town, I saw this supercute wedges~ I've been thinking a lot what kind of shoes buy this summer because I have a lot of things to do and I spend my day going from a place to another, so I wanted something comfortable for my busy days. I have some things like this or this but I wanted something more... showy for party days and such. I've been thinking a lot about buying one of this, that I've been seeing it in a lof of Gyaru magazines, but I don't really like this kind of shoes a lot, and I think the ones I bought are more comfortable, so~ This were the more expensive ones of the things I bought, 26€ (37$), but I really love it and yep! they're very comfortable!
So, this is all, I think. Sorry guys for not posting much recently, but I really have no time =( I'll writte a long post about wht's left of my town's celebration soo =) See ya~ <3
Packing up!
Hi again, guys! I'm coming back sooner this time, right? I'll try to continue like this and update more often~ Well, first of everything, thanks to my new follower for becoming a follower of my blog! <3
Ok, and now starting with the post theme~ On Friday I’ll be making a travel with some friends, we’re going to Benidorm, a beach zone of Spain, near Valencia. It’s one of the more visited places of Spain, there are a lot of foreign tourists there and it’s also near Ibiza, the ‘crazier party zone’ of Spain, so it looks like it’ll be an epic holidays, good weather, beach, parties and good friends! So I have to warn you guys that the next post won’t have any content about ‘Gyaru things’ like make-up, clothes or such apart from my outfits, I’ll be uploading with the photos I’ll take on Benidorm and the thing we’ll do, so I hope you enjoy that posts too! (^^) As I said before I’m making this blog something more personal than just talking ‘bout gyaru things, so there you have!
Well, I’ll be going on Friday so I have to pack my things! Here’s the post topic, I’m gonna give you 5 tips for the time when you have to pack for making a travel, here we go!
1.- Do it with time enough.
A lot of people does their packing the same day they’re traveling, a few hours before starting the travel or the night before. Don’t. It’s a lot better to do it some days before the travel, so if you suddenly remember you forgot to pack something you can just do it ‘cause you still have time. What if you remember it while you’re traveling or when you arrive to your destination? That’s why it’s better to do it with enough time, even if you change your decision on bringing this or that.
2.- Make a list.
It’s useful to make a list, because you can add thing to it when you remember it and it helps you to be sure that you’re bringing everything you planned to without forgetting anything. Also, sometimes we forgot what’s more common or normal, I don’t know, the phone charger for example, and it’s easier to remember it while doing a list than just packing things up. Furthermore, It also helps you not to forget anything in the place where you are traveling to, when you have to repack thing for coming back home. What to do if you forget you favourite dress in the hotel room? If you call to the hotel service but you can’t recover it? Better not to forget nothing there, so the list is very useful for that pourpose~
3.- Take a look at the weather!
Some days before you travel be aware of the weather, trough the tv or though the internet, so you’ll know if you need to bring outerwear, boots, an umbrella, sunscreen or whatever. That would be useful too when you want to make plans for your traveling, if the time it’s gonna be cloudy or rainy you better go to the beach other day and such…
4.- Documents
Be sure you bring all the necessary documents with you, even if you’re traveling to a foreign country or if you’re traveling inside yours, you may need them and it’s better to have them with you than have to make excuses in front a policeman or whatever.
5.- Machines
If you’re bringing with you machines like a camera, a phone or a laptor, be sure you bring too the chargers! If not they won0t be useful if they don’t have battery and you don’t have the charger!
Other point would be about planning the travel, bringing a map or such, but that depends on everyone and with who are you traveling and where to, you may not need a map if you’re traveling to a place you already know and such… Well, as I said, this is just some tips for when you’re packing, not for planning a travel or traveling or such, so~ wish me luck for my travel and I’ll be uploading soon with the things there! Thanks for reading guys!
Sun exposure and skin cancer.
Hi guys! Yesterday I worked outdoors and the weather was kind of weird… It was sunny in the morning, but there was a little cold breeze and the sun was not warming the ambience at all, I was wearing just a T-shirt and some trousers… In the evening, it became cloudy, and the breeze became a sometimes strong wind. It rained later, two times. What I mean it’s that weather was not hot at all, but even with that weather, I sunburn in my arms, the back of my neck and my ears in the while I was exposed to the sunlight. How? I wonder, ‘cause the sun was not hot at all, not like summer sun at all… I don’t know, but my skin it’s now all red and it stings and hurts a lot!
This is why I decided to make this post. People always sunbathe without any sunscreen (I didn’t put sunscreen yesterday because sun was not hot, because weather was kind of cold, so I supposed I won’t sunburn, but you see…) and sunlight is very bad for our skin, let’s see:
Many people love the warm sun. The sun's rays make us feel good, and in the short term, make us look good. But our love affair isn't a two way street: Exposure to sun causes most of the wrinkles and age spots on our faces.
We often associate a glowing complexion with good health, but skin color obtained from being in the sun – or in a tanning booth – actually accelerates the effects of aging and increases your risk for developing skin cancer.
Sun exposure causes most of the skin changes that we think of as a normal part of aging. Over time, the sun's ultraviolet (UV) light damages the fibers in the skin called elastin. When these fibers breakdown, the skin begins to sag, stretch, and lose its ability to go back into place after stretching. The skin also bruises and tears more easily -- taking longer to heal. So while sun damage to the skin may not be apparent when you're young, it will definitely show later in life.
The skin undergoes certain changes when exposed to UV light to protect against damage. The epidermis (the skin's uppermost layer) thickens, blocking UV light. The melanocytes (pigment-producing skin cells) make increased amounts of melanin, which darkens the skin, resulting in a tan. Melanin absorbs the energy of UV light and helps prevent the light from damaging skin cells and penetrating deeper into the tissues.
Sensitivity to sunlight varies according to the amount of melanin in the skin. Darker-skinned people have more melanin and therefore greater protection against the sun's harmful effects, although they are still vulnerable to some extent. The amount of melanin present in a person's skin depends on heredity as well as on the amount of recent sun exposure. Some people are able to produce large amounts of melanin in response to UV light, whereas others produce very little. People with albinism are born being able to make little or no melanin at all (I'm on this group of people, I'm so f***ing pale!).
How does the sun change the skin?
Exposure to the sun causes:
What causes skin cancer?
Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells. This rapid growth results in tumors, which are either benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous).
There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Basal cell and squamous cell cancers are less serious types and make up 95% of all skin cancers. Also referred to as non-melanoma skin cancers, they are highly curable when treated early. Melanoma, made up of abnormal skin pigment cells called melanocytes, is the most serious form of skin cancer and causes 75% of all skin cancer deaths. Left untreated, it can spread to other organs and is difficult to control.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the number one cause of skin cancer, but UV light from tanning beds is just as harmful. Exposure to sunlight during the winter months puts you at the same risk as exposure during the summertime.
Cumulative sun exposure causes mainly basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer, while episodes of severe sunburns, usually before age 18, can cause melanoma later in life. Other less common causes are repeated X-ray exposure and occupational exposure to certain chemicals.
About the sunscreens.
Sunblock (also commonly known as sun screen, sun lotion, sun cream or block out) is a lotion, spray, gel or other topical product that absorbs or reflects some of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the skin exposed to sunlight and thus helps protect against sunburn. Skin lightening products have sunscreen to protect lightened skin because light skin is more susceptible to sun damage than darker skin.
Sunscreens contain one or more of the following ingredients:
Depending on the mode of action sunscreens can be classified into physical sunscreens (i.e. those which reflect the sunlight) or chemical sunscreens (i.e. those which absorb the UV light).
Medical organizations such as the American Cancer Society recommend the use of sunscreen because it prevents the squamous cell carcinoma and the basal cell carcinoma. However, the use of sunscreens is controversial for various reasons. Many sunscreens do not block UVA radiation, which does not cause sunburn but can increase the rate of melanoma, another kind of skin cancer, so people using sunscreens may be exposed to a high level UVA without realizing it. It is often colloquially called sun tan lotion due to the product's similar name, although sun tan lotion is used to absorb UV rays rather than block them.
Sun Tan Lotions:
Sun protection factor (SPF)
The sun protection factor of a sunscreen is a laboratory measure of the effectiveness of sunscreen — the higher the SPF, the more protection a sunscreen offers against UV-B (the ultraviolet radiation that causes sunburn).
The SPF is the amount of UV radiation required to cause sunburn on skin with the sunscreen on, relative to the amount required without the sunscreen. There is a popular misconception that SPF relates to time of solar exposure. For example, many consumers believe that, if they normally get sunburn in one hour, then an SPF 15 sunscreen allows them to stay in the sun 15 hours (i.e., 15 times longer) without getting sunburn. This is not true because SPF is not directly related to time of solar exposure but to amount of solar exposure. Although solar energy amount is related to solar exposure time, there are other factors that impact the amount of solar energy, like the time of day. This is because, during early morning and late afternoon, the sun's radiation must pass through more of the Earth's atmosphere before it gets to you. In practice, the protection from a particular sunscreen depends on factors such as:
The SPF measure it’s different in Europe, Australia and USA, but what’s real it’s that every person needs a different one, special for that person, depending in the type of skin of every person. It’s said that the higher SPF you use, you’ll get less tan. I don’t really know if that’s true, but I think its better getting less tan than getting more damage on the skin, the same reason why I don’t like at all the Sun Tan Lotions. Tanning body milk are different, even I don’t like the either ‘cause leaves in the skin a weird color that doesn’t look like a tan skin at all, but those people using Sun Tan Lotions to get tanned skin, instead of using sunscreen for protecting from the sun effects in the skin… I really hate it, sun light its VERY bad for skin…
So, I learned the lesson, and after reading some texts about sun light and its effect on skin (just to know about terms ‘cause explaining it with my own words would have been very difficult and weird) I reached the conclusion that I need to use sunscreens the whole year, not just in summer, just because I’m so pale that sun light affects more my skin than a darker one. I always put body milk on before going to bed and after the shower in the morning for hydrating my skin, but I’m gonna replace the one I put on after the shower for sunscreen, so I won’t get sunburn anymore, whether it’s summer or winter. It’s really painful when you have sunburn skin, I can tell ‘cause I’m feeling it right now… (T_T)
Melanoma skin cancer (this photos are disgusting, or at least, I think so. Then, just think about it, you really want a skin like this? I deffinitely NOT)
Hard images… I have the stomach upset after looking at them… But as I said, just think about it, skin cancer it’s a serious problem now that it’s popular to sunbathe a lot and have a tan skin…
Gonna buy an appropriate sunscreen after having lunch~ See you next time, guys!
This is why I decided to make this post. People always sunbathe without any sunscreen (I didn’t put sunscreen yesterday because sun was not hot, because weather was kind of cold, so I supposed I won’t sunburn, but you see…) and sunlight is very bad for our skin, let’s see:
Many people love the warm sun. The sun's rays make us feel good, and in the short term, make us look good. But our love affair isn't a two way street: Exposure to sun causes most of the wrinkles and age spots on our faces.
We often associate a glowing complexion with good health, but skin color obtained from being in the sun – or in a tanning booth – actually accelerates the effects of aging and increases your risk for developing skin cancer.
Sun exposure causes most of the skin changes that we think of as a normal part of aging. Over time, the sun's ultraviolet (UV) light damages the fibers in the skin called elastin. When these fibers breakdown, the skin begins to sag, stretch, and lose its ability to go back into place after stretching. The skin also bruises and tears more easily -- taking longer to heal. So while sun damage to the skin may not be apparent when you're young, it will definitely show later in life.
The skin undergoes certain changes when exposed to UV light to protect against damage. The epidermis (the skin's uppermost layer) thickens, blocking UV light. The melanocytes (pigment-producing skin cells) make increased amounts of melanin, which darkens the skin, resulting in a tan. Melanin absorbs the energy of UV light and helps prevent the light from damaging skin cells and penetrating deeper into the tissues.
Sensitivity to sunlight varies according to the amount of melanin in the skin. Darker-skinned people have more melanin and therefore greater protection against the sun's harmful effects, although they are still vulnerable to some extent. The amount of melanin present in a person's skin depends on heredity as well as on the amount of recent sun exposure. Some people are able to produce large amounts of melanin in response to UV light, whereas others produce very little. People with albinism are born being able to make little or no melanin at all (I'm on this group of people, I'm so f***ing pale!).
How does the sun change the skin?
Exposure to the sun causes:
- Pre-cancerous (actinic keratosis) and cancerous (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma) skin lesions - caused by loss of the skin's immune function
- Benign tumors
- Fine and coarse wrinkles
- Freckles
- Discolored areas of the skin, called mottled pigmentation;
- Sallowness -- a yellow discoloration of the skin;
- Telangiectasias -- the dilation of small blood vessels under the skin;
- Elastosis -- the destruction of the elastic tissue causing lines and wrinkles.
What causes skin cancer?
Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells. This rapid growth results in tumors, which are either benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous).
There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Basal cell and squamous cell cancers are less serious types and make up 95% of all skin cancers. Also referred to as non-melanoma skin cancers, they are highly curable when treated early. Melanoma, made up of abnormal skin pigment cells called melanocytes, is the most serious form of skin cancer and causes 75% of all skin cancer deaths. Left untreated, it can spread to other organs and is difficult to control.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the number one cause of skin cancer, but UV light from tanning beds is just as harmful. Exposure to sunlight during the winter months puts you at the same risk as exposure during the summertime.
Cumulative sun exposure causes mainly basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer, while episodes of severe sunburns, usually before age 18, can cause melanoma later in life. Other less common causes are repeated X-ray exposure and occupational exposure to certain chemicals.
About the sunscreens.
Sunblock (also commonly known as sun screen, sun lotion, sun cream or block out) is a lotion, spray, gel or other topical product that absorbs or reflects some of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the skin exposed to sunlight and thus helps protect against sunburn. Skin lightening products have sunscreen to protect lightened skin because light skin is more susceptible to sun damage than darker skin.
Sunscreens contain one or more of the following ingredients:
- Organic chemical compounds that absorb ultraviolet light.
- Inorganic particulates that reflect, scatter, and absorb UV light (such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or a combination of both).
- Organic particulates that mostly absorb light like organic chemical compounds, but contain multiple chromophores, may reflect and scatter a fraction of light like inorganic particulates, and behave differently in formulations than organic chemical compounds. An example is Tinosorb M. Since the UV-attenuating efficacy depends strongly on particle size, the material is micronised to particle sizes below 200 nm. The mode of action of this photostable filter system is governed to about 90% by absorption and 10% by scattering of UV light.
Depending on the mode of action sunscreens can be classified into physical sunscreens (i.e. those which reflect the sunlight) or chemical sunscreens (i.e. those which absorb the UV light).
Medical organizations such as the American Cancer Society recommend the use of sunscreen because it prevents the squamous cell carcinoma and the basal cell carcinoma. However, the use of sunscreens is controversial for various reasons. Many sunscreens do not block UVA radiation, which does not cause sunburn but can increase the rate of melanoma, another kind of skin cancer, so people using sunscreens may be exposed to a high level UVA without realizing it. It is often colloquially called sun tan lotion due to the product's similar name, although sun tan lotion is used to absorb UV rays rather than block them.
Sun Tan Lotions:
Sun protection factor (SPF)
The sun protection factor of a sunscreen is a laboratory measure of the effectiveness of sunscreen — the higher the SPF, the more protection a sunscreen offers against UV-B (the ultraviolet radiation that causes sunburn).
The SPF is the amount of UV radiation required to cause sunburn on skin with the sunscreen on, relative to the amount required without the sunscreen. There is a popular misconception that SPF relates to time of solar exposure. For example, many consumers believe that, if they normally get sunburn in one hour, then an SPF 15 sunscreen allows them to stay in the sun 15 hours (i.e., 15 times longer) without getting sunburn. This is not true because SPF is not directly related to time of solar exposure but to amount of solar exposure. Although solar energy amount is related to solar exposure time, there are other factors that impact the amount of solar energy, like the time of day. This is because, during early morning and late afternoon, the sun's radiation must pass through more of the Earth's atmosphere before it gets to you. In practice, the protection from a particular sunscreen depends on factors such as:
- The skin type of the user.
- The amount applied and frequency of re-application.
- Activities in which one engages (for example, swimming leads to a loss of sunscreen from the skin).
- Amount of sunscreen the skin has absorbed.
The SPF measure it’s different in Europe, Australia and USA, but what’s real it’s that every person needs a different one, special for that person, depending in the type of skin of every person. It’s said that the higher SPF you use, you’ll get less tan. I don’t really know if that’s true, but I think its better getting less tan than getting more damage on the skin, the same reason why I don’t like at all the Sun Tan Lotions. Tanning body milk are different, even I don’t like the either ‘cause leaves in the skin a weird color that doesn’t look like a tan skin at all, but those people using Sun Tan Lotions to get tanned skin, instead of using sunscreen for protecting from the sun effects in the skin… I really hate it, sun light its VERY bad for skin…
So, I learned the lesson, and after reading some texts about sun light and its effect on skin (just to know about terms ‘cause explaining it with my own words would have been very difficult and weird) I reached the conclusion that I need to use sunscreens the whole year, not just in summer, just because I’m so pale that sun light affects more my skin than a darker one. I always put body milk on before going to bed and after the shower in the morning for hydrating my skin, but I’m gonna replace the one I put on after the shower for sunscreen, so I won’t get sunburn anymore, whether it’s summer or winter. It’s really painful when you have sunburn skin, I can tell ‘cause I’m feeling it right now… (T_T)
Melanoma skin cancer (this photos are disgusting, or at least, I think so. Then, just think about it, you really want a skin like this? I deffinitely NOT)
Hard images… I have the stomach upset after looking at them… But as I said, just think about it, skin cancer it’s a serious problem now that it’s popular to sunbathe a lot and have a tan skin…
Gonna buy an appropriate sunscreen after having lunch~ See you next time, guys!
Hair treatment~
Lately, I’ve been applying a new treatment to my hair. I saw it was in bad condition recently, too much dying, I think. So I decided to let it rest for a while and take care of it.
I have smooth hair, very thin also, but lately I needed to use an iron for it to look well, it was always curling… But recently, since I’ve been using this new treatment, I don’t need an iron anymore for my hair to look well and smooth~ Of course I’ll need one if I wanna curl my hair or wear some particular hairstyle, but not for my daily days~
The products I’ve been using are these ones:
This is a shampoo. Asiatic smooth, it’s supposed to make the hair smoother, like the ones Asiatic people usually have. At first I thought it won’t work, this things hardly ever work, and I don’t really know if this works or it’s just in my hair, or it’s the combination of it with the hair conditioner, whatever it is, it works for me. I took this one just because I was looking for a shampoo for smooth hair, and this one seemed perfect for that purpose. I like how it smells, the texture and how my hair looks after using it, even without the hair conditioner, so I’m very happy with my election~
Next one is this hair conditioner. It’s not a hair conditioner at all, but I don’t know the word for it in English, it’s ‘Mascarilla’ in Spanish. I’ve always been using a hair conditioner because it makes my hair look better, always softer and easier to brush, but, as far as I know, ‘Mascarillas’ are better four nourishing the hair, and I thought my hair REALLY needed a nourishing. It was a lot of different types of ‘Mascarillas’ at the shop, and I was doubting on which one to choose: For smooth hair, for your hair to non curling, for dyed hair… but I saw this one and something inside of me was saying that it was the perfect one. I has vitamin Q10 for repairing damaged hair, so it really seemed perfect for my purpose. It was a very expensive one, but I think the investment was worth.
First, I use the shampoo, of course, and wash my hair with a massage, and then I apply the ‘Mascarilla’. I leave it working in my hair while I wash my body. I also bought a special gel for dry skin, it smells soooo well *^* Then I clear up my body and finally clear up my hair. I wash and clear up the shampoo and my body with warm water, but I clear up the ‘Mascarilla’ with cold water. It is just because warm water always opens the pores, the ones in the skin as well as the ones of the hair, and cold water closes them up. When I go out of the shower, I take off the humidity of my hair with a towel, then I go get dressed while I let my hair dry a little for itself with the ambient temperature, and the I use a hair-dryer to completely dry it. As I said, recently I needed to use, after the hair-dryer, an iron for it to look smooth without curling. I don’t need it now. I’ve been spending a lot of time in someone else’s house, so I took some showers there also, washing my hair with the shampoo and conditioner they use there, and I don’t had an iron there either, but that’s not important because I didn’t need it. My hair was perfect just drying it with the hair-dryer, even without using my treatment there, what means that the treatment really worked in y hair! I’m very happy about that, not just because I don’t need an iron on my everyday as I used to, what, moreover, it’s very bad for hair, most in summer and with hot time… It is because that means my hair is better, nourished, and that are always good news!
Finally, after talking about all this things about hair and treatments, I have to say thank you to my new followers~ I’ve also received some comments and some messages telling e that they liked my blog a lot and, what’s more important, that the things they read here were useful to them, that also makes me VERY happy, so I hope this text about my new hair treatment also would also be useful for you all!
I also have to say that, as you all can see, I’ve been kind of missing again. I’ve been having a lot of changes in my life recently (and when I say a lot, I really mean it!), so I’ve been even busier than I was, but I’m happy with how things are going and I’ll have more news about it soon, also some travels and plans and more posts about my city’s celebrations~
Thanks for reading me guys, see you soon~!
I have smooth hair, very thin also, but lately I needed to use an iron for it to look well, it was always curling… But recently, since I’ve been using this new treatment, I don’t need an iron anymore for my hair to look well and smooth~ Of course I’ll need one if I wanna curl my hair or wear some particular hairstyle, but not for my daily days~
The products I’ve been using are these ones:
This is a shampoo. Asiatic smooth, it’s supposed to make the hair smoother, like the ones Asiatic people usually have. At first I thought it won’t work, this things hardly ever work, and I don’t really know if this works or it’s just in my hair, or it’s the combination of it with the hair conditioner, whatever it is, it works for me. I took this one just because I was looking for a shampoo for smooth hair, and this one seemed perfect for that purpose. I like how it smells, the texture and how my hair looks after using it, even without the hair conditioner, so I’m very happy with my election~
Next one is this hair conditioner. It’s not a hair conditioner at all, but I don’t know the word for it in English, it’s ‘Mascarilla’ in Spanish. I’ve always been using a hair conditioner because it makes my hair look better, always softer and easier to brush, but, as far as I know, ‘Mascarillas’ are better four nourishing the hair, and I thought my hair REALLY needed a nourishing. It was a lot of different types of ‘Mascarillas’ at the shop, and I was doubting on which one to choose: For smooth hair, for your hair to non curling, for dyed hair… but I saw this one and something inside of me was saying that it was the perfect one. I has vitamin Q10 for repairing damaged hair, so it really seemed perfect for my purpose. It was a very expensive one, but I think the investment was worth.
First, I use the shampoo, of course, and wash my hair with a massage, and then I apply the ‘Mascarilla’. I leave it working in my hair while I wash my body. I also bought a special gel for dry skin, it smells soooo well *^* Then I clear up my body and finally clear up my hair. I wash and clear up the shampoo and my body with warm water, but I clear up the ‘Mascarilla’ with cold water. It is just because warm water always opens the pores, the ones in the skin as well as the ones of the hair, and cold water closes them up. When I go out of the shower, I take off the humidity of my hair with a towel, then I go get dressed while I let my hair dry a little for itself with the ambient temperature, and the I use a hair-dryer to completely dry it. As I said, recently I needed to use, after the hair-dryer, an iron for it to look smooth without curling. I don’t need it now. I’ve been spending a lot of time in someone else’s house, so I took some showers there also, washing my hair with the shampoo and conditioner they use there, and I don’t had an iron there either, but that’s not important because I didn’t need it. My hair was perfect just drying it with the hair-dryer, even without using my treatment there, what means that the treatment really worked in y hair! I’m very happy about that, not just because I don’t need an iron on my everyday as I used to, what, moreover, it’s very bad for hair, most in summer and with hot time… It is because that means my hair is better, nourished, and that are always good news!
Finally, after talking about all this things about hair and treatments, I have to say thank you to my new followers~ I’ve also received some comments and some messages telling e that they liked my blog a lot and, what’s more important, that the things they read here were useful to them, that also makes me VERY happy, so I hope this text about my new hair treatment also would also be useful for you all!
I also have to say that, as you all can see, I’ve been kind of missing again. I’ve been having a lot of changes in my life recently (and when I say a lot, I really mean it!), so I’ve been even busier than I was, but I’m happy with how things are going and I’ll have more news about it soon, also some travels and plans and more posts about my city’s celebrations~
Thanks for reading me guys, see you soon~!
Busy time D:
Hi guys!
It's been a long since the last time I posted here. As you can imagine by looking at the post title, I've been very busy lately. I've been studying japanese a lot, my level is really increasing so I'm very happy about that, and you know, when wheather is better, people always goes out a lot more, so... I need to find some time to post more on here...
Well, first of everything, thanks to my new followers for following me, really, it always makes me feel so happy when I come and I see I have new followers *^*
Next, I want to make a post with my Japanese things, my notes and such, but I'll do it next time, I wanna talk about something different this time.
I’ve planed on talking a little about my city biggest event; San Juan. As you all may know, San Juan is the celebration of summer equinox, but, in my city, it’s also the biggest celebration of the year. Everyone here awaits for it the whole year, not for Xmas, or Easter… but for San Juan celebration. I’m gonna try to explain a little about this event first, ‘cause it’s divided in another sequence of little events, and I wanna talk about each one after the are carried out.
Things you may know about the San Juan event to understand how it’s carried out, are:
- In San Juan event, the city is divided in 12. In each one of the 12 parts reigns a different ‘Cuadrilla’.
-A ‘Cuadrilla’ it’s a group of people. You can’t choose what ‘Cuadrilla’ you wanna be into, they’r divided by zones in the city, and each ‘Cuadrilla’ concerns a few nearby districts, so your ‘Cuadrilla’ depends on which part of the city you live.
-Each ‘Cuadrilla’ has a King and a Queen, so they’re the ones who leads the ‘Cuadrilla’
Well, everything about San Juan starts by choosing a poster to advertise the event, so the city hall organize every year a contest, so you can make your own design and try to win the contest, and if you win, your design will be in every poster of the city advertising the event.
Next, the first little event is hold on the first Sunday of May. It’s called ‘Catapán’. After the ‘Catapan’, each ‘Cuadrilla’ chooses its own King and Queen of that year, so in the ‘Catapán’ the new King and the Queen are shown to the rest of members. I don’t really know how they choose the King and Queen, but I think they’re chosen by the ones who were King and Queen the past year. In the ‘Catapán’, after the King and the Queen are shown, the ‘Cuadrilla’ distributes cheese, win, sausage and bread to the ones who go to the local where the ‘Cuadrilla’ has its headquarter. They also have a band that plays ‘Sanjuaneras’, the popular songs of this event, and people can dance while the drink wine and eats something the whole evening. After that, people goes have dinner and then you can go to dance again, to some pubs or, what is more popular, to the vervain.
I don’t have pics of this year ‘Catapán’, so I can’t post them, but I’ll post a video with the ‘Catapan’s song’ and I’ll post photos of the next little event, ‘Desencajonamiento’, that is carried out on 4 of June~
I don’t know if I was able to explain this well, it’s kind of difficult to explain this event, but it’s one of the best events of Spain, so people of the whole country comes to see it *_*!
Here it's the video hit the 'Catapán's Song'.
And here, although I don't have pics of this year Catapán, I found a video on Youtube of this year Catapán. The first you can see it's the poster of the 'Cuadrilla'. This one its the 'Cuadrilla of Santa Catalina'. Next thing you see it's the band of this 'Cuadrilla' and then people drinking wine. Later you see how the 'Cuadrilla' gives people cheese and such. It's funny, 'cause one of my friends appears in the video, at the first part, drinking wine xD
It's been a long since the last time I posted here. As you can imagine by looking at the post title, I've been very busy lately. I've been studying japanese a lot, my level is really increasing so I'm very happy about that, and you know, when wheather is better, people always goes out a lot more, so... I need to find some time to post more on here...
Well, first of everything, thanks to my new followers for following me, really, it always makes me feel so happy when I come and I see I have new followers *^*
Next, I want to make a post with my Japanese things, my notes and such, but I'll do it next time, I wanna talk about something different this time.
I’ve planed on talking a little about my city biggest event; San Juan. As you all may know, San Juan is the celebration of summer equinox, but, in my city, it’s also the biggest celebration of the year. Everyone here awaits for it the whole year, not for Xmas, or Easter… but for San Juan celebration. I’m gonna try to explain a little about this event first, ‘cause it’s divided in another sequence of little events, and I wanna talk about each one after the are carried out.
Things you may know about the San Juan event to understand how it’s carried out, are:
- In San Juan event, the city is divided in 12. In each one of the 12 parts reigns a different ‘Cuadrilla’.
-A ‘Cuadrilla’ it’s a group of people. You can’t choose what ‘Cuadrilla’ you wanna be into, they’r divided by zones in the city, and each ‘Cuadrilla’ concerns a few nearby districts, so your ‘Cuadrilla’ depends on which part of the city you live.
-Each ‘Cuadrilla’ has a King and a Queen, so they’re the ones who leads the ‘Cuadrilla’
Well, everything about San Juan starts by choosing a poster to advertise the event, so the city hall organize every year a contest, so you can make your own design and try to win the contest, and if you win, your design will be in every poster of the city advertising the event.
Next, the first little event is hold on the first Sunday of May. It’s called ‘Catapán’. After the ‘Catapan’, each ‘Cuadrilla’ chooses its own King and Queen of that year, so in the ‘Catapán’ the new King and the Queen are shown to the rest of members. I don’t really know how they choose the King and Queen, but I think they’re chosen by the ones who were King and Queen the past year. In the ‘Catapán’, after the King and the Queen are shown, the ‘Cuadrilla’ distributes cheese, win, sausage and bread to the ones who go to the local where the ‘Cuadrilla’ has its headquarter. They also have a band that plays ‘Sanjuaneras’, the popular songs of this event, and people can dance while the drink wine and eats something the whole evening. After that, people goes have dinner and then you can go to dance again, to some pubs or, what is more popular, to the vervain.
I don’t have pics of this year ‘Catapán’, so I can’t post them, but I’ll post a video with the ‘Catapan’s song’ and I’ll post photos of the next little event, ‘Desencajonamiento’, that is carried out on 4 of June~
I don’t know if I was able to explain this well, it’s kind of difficult to explain this event, but it’s one of the best events of Spain, so people of the whole country comes to see it *_*!
Here it's the video hit the 'Catapán's Song'.
And here, although I don't have pics of this year Catapán, I found a video on Youtube of this year Catapán. The first you can see it's the poster of the 'Cuadrilla'. This one its the 'Cuadrilla of Santa Catalina'. Next thing you see it's the band of this 'Cuadrilla' and then people drinking wine. Later you see how the 'Cuadrilla' gives people cheese and such. It's funny, 'cause one of my friends appears in the video, at the first part, drinking wine xD
Ladies and gentlemens.
I wanna introduce you my pets. I have two cats and two dogs. In this post I'm gonna show you just my dogs, I'll talk abput my lovely cats in another one~
This dogs are not really mine, but my sis. The cats are mine xD The mom dog is called Rita, but we always call her Reita xD There was another dog we found with here, but it's no longer with us, he run away from home a long time ago. He was called Cos, but we called him Satoh xD
The baby dog is not a son of them both, but the mom dog and another dog. He is called Roco. Some time a go we had a fight with another dog and he lost a part of one of his legs, so he is lame. He had a hard time 'cause his leg was not healing well, and we are afraid his vertical column will suffer some damage since he can't use that leg...
So, since the time is better this days, we had a long walking with the dogs, I'm gonna let some photos of them, the park and my outfit. Roco is the black one, and Reita the other one~
This dogs are not really mine, but my sis. The cats are mine xD The mom dog is called Rita, but we always call her Reita xD There was another dog we found with here, but it's no longer with us, he run away from home a long time ago. He was called Cos, but we called him Satoh xD
The baby dog is not a son of them both, but the mom dog and another dog. He is called Roco. Some time a go we had a fight with another dog and he lost a part of one of his legs, so he is lame. He had a hard time 'cause his leg was not healing well, and we are afraid his vertical column will suffer some damage since he can't use that leg...
So, since the time is better this days, we had a long walking with the dogs, I'm gonna let some photos of them, the park and my outfit. Roco is the black one, and Reita the other one~
See ya guys~
Kpop & Jpop Party~
Hi! Finally, here I am! And I have the photos we took on the party~ First of all, the ones I took at home, before going to take the bus~
Once I was in Madrid, I was able to reach the hotel without being lost xD I took the metro and without any problem I arrived to the hotel, I'm starting to get used to Madrid, and I even found a shop with a lot of gyaru style clothes and really cheap, so surely I'll go shop there 8D So, here the pics of the hotel room I shared with Di and some photos in that room~
Then I talked to Di, and I went to meet her at the metro stop so we could go back to the hotel and leave her things there, so we could go to have something to dinner. A pic in the elevator and one of the city while I was waiting on the metro stop.
Once she left the thing in the room (and I ate a chocolate neapolitan Di brought me 'cause I told her by msn I wanted some xD) we went pick something to have dinner. We walked a lot 'cause the nearest McDonalds was kind of far away xD So it was late when we got back to the room and started eat, so we hurry change clothes and put up our make-up, here is me once it all was done.
And finally we went to the party. We meet there Pi and the others, there was a lot of asiatic boys! The party was great, I meet a lot of people, some I didn't knew, some that knew me but I dindn't know them (as the first Byou of tuenti rol and my Sunhwa's GD) and some random people I can't remember the names. A korean boy also introduced himself to me, I can't either remember his name, but once he told me he was korean I talked to him in koreand, and he understood me! I felt so proud 8D So here the pics of the party and the one I took with Pi at the entrance.
I have to say that I have to upload to YouTube two videos I recorded of a korean boy who danced a Big Bang song, and well, when we walked back to the hotel my feet were dead so I had to walk without the heels, barefoot xD We were supposed to sleep, but we started talking, and talking and we were talking for hours xD So, next day we waked up really tired and we had to almost hurry to take my bus back D:
So finally I went not to the Hippie Party I was on Saturday 'cause I was really tired, but I loved the party in Madrid a lot~
And, finally 8D I have a new reader, thank you for following me, people! <3
Once I was in Madrid, I was able to reach the hotel without being lost xD I took the metro and without any problem I arrived to the hotel, I'm starting to get used to Madrid, and I even found a shop with a lot of gyaru style clothes and really cheap, so surely I'll go shop there 8D So, here the pics of the hotel room I shared with Di and some photos in that room~
Then I talked to Di, and I went to meet her at the metro stop so we could go back to the hotel and leave her things there, so we could go to have something to dinner. A pic in the elevator and one of the city while I was waiting on the metro stop.
Once she left the thing in the room (and I ate a chocolate neapolitan Di brought me 'cause I told her by msn I wanted some xD) we went pick something to have dinner. We walked a lot 'cause the nearest McDonalds was kind of far away xD So it was late when we got back to the room and started eat, so we hurry change clothes and put up our make-up, here is me once it all was done.
And finally we went to the party. We meet there Pi and the others, there was a lot of asiatic boys! The party was great, I meet a lot of people, some I didn't knew, some that knew me but I dindn't know them (as the first Byou of tuenti rol and my Sunhwa's GD) and some random people I can't remember the names. A korean boy also introduced himself to me, I can't either remember his name, but once he told me he was korean I talked to him in koreand, and he understood me! I felt so proud 8D So here the pics of the party and the one I took with Pi at the entrance.
I have to say that I have to upload to YouTube two videos I recorded of a korean boy who danced a Big Bang song, and well, when we walked back to the hotel my feet were dead so I had to walk without the heels, barefoot xD We were supposed to sleep, but we started talking, and talking and we were talking for hours xD So, next day we waked up really tired and we had to almost hurry to take my bus back D:
So finally I went not to the Hippie Party I was on Saturday 'cause I was really tired, but I loved the party in Madrid a lot~
And, finally 8D I have a new reader, thank you for following me, people! <3
Let's go party!
I'm going on a travel again, girls, and yep, once again, to Madrid. There's a Kpop-JPop party tonight, and it's been a while since I went to a big party, so I booked a hotel room with a friend of there that is gonna keep me company. Of course, she's coming to the party too 8D
I don't really know if I'll have internet connection at the hotel, there is supposed to be, but it was something about 'cable connection' so I don't know how it'll go. If I have, I'll make another post with photos of our room and my outfit, and tomorrow when I come back I'll make another talking about the dinner, the party, and more photos.
This is kind a random post, but I decided to make this blog something more personal than just talking about 'gyaru things' such as make-up, nails or so. I used ameba as a a personal blog, and well, I like ameba, so I'll keep on ussing it 'cause there are so very very random post that wouldn't look good on here, I think. So well, I have to take the bus in an hour, more or less, so I'll be going 8D
See ya guys~
I don't really know if I'll have internet connection at the hotel, there is supposed to be, but it was something about 'cable connection' so I don't know how it'll go. If I have, I'll make another post with photos of our room and my outfit, and tomorrow when I come back I'll make another talking about the dinner, the party, and more photos.
This is kind a random post, but I decided to make this blog something more personal than just talking about 'gyaru things' such as make-up, nails or so. I used ameba as a a personal blog, and well, I like ameba, so I'll keep on ussing it 'cause there are so very very random post that wouldn't look good on here, I think. So well, I have to take the bus in an hour, more or less, so I'll be going 8D
See ya guys~
I'm back :D
It's been some time again since the last time I posted, I've been kind of busy and I think I'll still be busy from now on -or I hope so 'cause I hate to have nothing to do...- but I also think I'll have more things to blog about :D
First thing I have to say is that... there's only 4 days left for the party in Madrid *-*! I really wanna go, I want to go party and meet new people, and it's a kpop-Jpop party so I think it'll be really fun. I think I'm gonna put some countdown gadgets on the sidebar for the next things coming~
After that, I promised a post about the things I've received for doing my nails, I also have to do some beauty post (something about skincare) and... I have to make a video talking about the sale I took from Eyeko, I'll do it soon, I promise.
So here it goes the post about my new things for nails. I purchased some tips (pink, white and blue ones). It's my first time using tips, and I'm not very used to it, but as you all can see in the post after this one, the result was good. Here the everything photo and the tips photo.
Next thing I purchased, of course, it's nail glue, 'cause I've been using a very bad one not because my nails were falling, but it mistreated them, so I tried a new one. This one, I've used it just once, on my travel to Madrid, 'cause I haven't been wearing nails at home recently. So, that time, one nail felt when I was going to take the bus, but I think it was because I glued it bad the first time, 'cause none of the others felt and this one didn't felt again also once I glued it again.
Next thing: ringhestones. I loves the ones of FullMoon, they're so fucking cute (the second ones) and the first one I purchased it on Ebay, the roses are also very pretty~
And finally, nail stickers. I can buy it here on chinese stores, but I have to pay 60 cents for each one. I bought 50 and I paid 3 €, If I had bought it here, I'd have paid 30€, so it was a very big bargain. I love them 'cause there are som many different stickers. I mean, each one is different, but you can find flowers, hearts, stars, ribbons, butterflies...
So that's it. For the party in Madrid I'll wear the next pair of handmade nails Aya sent me last time, 'cause they are really pretty and I wanna try them, so I'll use tips another time and I'll talk about them~
See ya, babes~ :3
First thing I have to say is that... there's only 4 days left for the party in Madrid *-*! I really wanna go, I want to go party and meet new people, and it's a kpop-Jpop party so I think it'll be really fun. I think I'm gonna put some countdown gadgets on the sidebar for the next things coming~
After that, I promised a post about the things I've received for doing my nails, I also have to do some beauty post (something about skincare) and... I have to make a video talking about the sale I took from Eyeko, I'll do it soon, I promise.
So here it goes the post about my new things for nails. I purchased some tips (pink, white and blue ones). It's my first time using tips, and I'm not very used to it, but as you all can see in the post after this one, the result was good. Here the everything photo and the tips photo.
Next thing I purchased, of course, it's nail glue, 'cause I've been using a very bad one not because my nails were falling, but it mistreated them, so I tried a new one. This one, I've used it just once, on my travel to Madrid, 'cause I haven't been wearing nails at home recently. So, that time, one nail felt when I was going to take the bus, but I think it was because I glued it bad the first time, 'cause none of the others felt and this one didn't felt again also once I glued it again.
Next thing: ringhestones. I loves the ones of FullMoon, they're so fucking cute (the second ones) and the first one I purchased it on Ebay, the roses are also very pretty~
And finally, nail stickers. I can buy it here on chinese stores, but I have to pay 60 cents for each one. I bought 50 and I paid 3 €, If I had bought it here, I'd have paid 30€, so it was a very big bargain. I love them 'cause there are som many different stickers. I mean, each one is different, but you can find flowers, hearts, stars, ribbons, butterflies...
So that's it. For the party in Madrid I'll wear the next pair of handmade nails Aya sent me last time, 'cause they are really pretty and I wanna try them, so I'll use tips another time and I'll talk about them~
See ya, babes~ :3
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